Inspiring Stories of How Travel Can Spark Personal Growth
Something Happened is a collection of travel stories from people all over the world who’ve had an exceptional experience that caused a breakthrough insight of some kind, large or small. The essays fall into chapters/categories based on the environment where the experience occurred. For example, those experiences that happened at a retreat will fall under the chapter category of Something Happened: On a Retreat. Thus far, seven categories have emerged. More may surface. I invite you to share your own transformational travel experiences for possible inclusion in this book. Please aim for 500–1,000 words per essay. I will contact each of you who contributes. In addition, authors of accepted essays will be entered in a drawing, and 10 will receive $50. Thank you in advance for your willingness to share your personal transformational travel tale. I am grateful and look forward to reading it and connecting with you. [email protected]