The love of travel is in my DNA. I can’t remember a time when I was not either reading about or looking at photos of faraway places. I enjoy all forms of travel — from unstructured and freelanced to structured and planned;  it’s all good to me. At some point, though, I became aware of the power of transformational travel. Up to then, my trips were largely for pleasure and recreation or education, such as visiting a historical site. The shift in my perception of what travel could be came while on a two-month journey around Southeast Asia.

Since then, I have written about some of my experiences and from time to time shared them with friends. Many were eager to share their own with me. From there, this book project — Something Happened: Transformational Travel Tales — was conceived to encourage and inspire anyone with an interest in personal change to get out of their comfort zones and go on a trip — not as a traditional tourist to rack up the must-see sights, but as a seeker with an open mind and heart.

In the meantime, thank you for visiting my website. It will evolve as the project progresses.